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Channel drains modular line drawing
Yeti Connect Drain
Yeti Connect Drains Specifications

Channel Drains Connect

Yeti Connect is our off the shelf modular stainless steel channel and grate system with connecting joiners, end caps and outlets. Yeti Connect is designed for a broad range of drainage applications including stormwater in bathroom, balcony, poolside, driveway or landscaping projects. You can select from heelguard slip resistant grate options suitable for pedestrian, car or truck traffic depending on your requirements. Yeti Connect allows you to easily and quickly install long runs of channels with premium results.

Type of System

Modular or Custom

Class Loads

A, B, C, D
Usage Types



Liquid Type

Traffic Type

Building Entrance, Driveway, Landscaping, Poolside, Streetscapes
Bathroom, Garage, Indoor Pool, Shower, Public spaces
Rainwater, Stormwater, Pool Water
Light Pedestrian, Heavy Vehicle, Light Pedestrian Traffic, Heavy Vehicle Traffic, Medium Vehicle Traffic
Usage Types


Building Entrance, Driveway, Landscaping, Poolside, Streetscapes


Bathroom, Garage, Indoor Pool, Shower, Public spaces

Liquid Type

Rainwater, Stormwater, Pool Water

Traffic Type

Light Pedestrian, Heavy Vehicle, Light Pedestrian Traffic, Heavy Vehicle Traffic, Medium Vehicle Traffic
Channel Base Options
V Base
Constant Depth
Grate Options
Yeti 5x5 Heelgrip stainless steel grates LO
Yeti 5x5 Heelgrip
Features and Options
Yeti Connect Concrete Tie
Concrete Ties
Yeti Connect Outlet
Outlet Fixed or Movable
Yeti Connect Joiner
Channel Joiner
Yeti Connect End Cap
End Cap Fixed or Movable

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Photo of John Bohm at Yeti Civil Products


I am John from Yeti Civil Products. I want to make sure you find the exact stainless steel drain, grate, entry mat or walkway solution for your drainage needs.

We custom design and make our products and we have some modular systems also.

Have a look through our website catalogue and/or give me a call to talk about the best drainage options for your project.